Dave Adams
Senior Pastor
Dave Adams spent 30 years in his first career as a farmer, where he first learned the Gospel message. Born in Woodstock, Illinois in 1955, Dave worked from age 10 with his father and brothers on a family farm. Dave and his wife, Pat were married in March of 1977. Dave, Pat, and their four children started attending Mt Zion in 1988. They became involved in children’s ministry, the high school youth group, and serving as an elder. They sold the cattle and machinery in 1996, and he came on staff at Mt Zion in 1997 as Associate Pastor. Dave became Senior Pastor of Mt. Zion in 2006. Pastor Dave and Pat live in Lake Geneva, WI. They have four children and eight grandchildren. When he has the chance he enjoys riding his Harley-Davidson and fishing. Dave and Pat enjoyed the trip of a lifetime to Israel in 2013.
Steve thorngate
Executive Pastor
Stephen Thorngate came on staff part time at Mt. Zion in 1986 as worship leader. As the church has grown, his responsibilities have expanded. For the last ten years he has been our executive pastor. He also represents Mt. Zion’s elder board on several subcommittees, serving to connect the leadership of the church’s many areas of ministry. He loves the Word of God and studying it with others, worshiping at Mt Zion, the people of God, and two-year olds.
Pastor Steve grew up in Pebble Beach, CA. He came to Wisconsin for college and has been here ever since. He taught vocal music in Waterford, WI, for 14 years before beginning full-time ministry. He and Lisa have been married since 1974 and have seven grown children.
Pastor Steve grew up in Pebble Beach, CA. He came to Wisconsin for college and has been here ever since. He taught vocal music in Waterford, WI, for 14 years before beginning full-time ministry. He and Lisa have been married since 1974 and have seven grown children.
Riley Sampson
Youth Pastor
Pastor Riley Sampson was born and raised in Minnesota. God called him to become a youth pastor at summer camp before he entered 7th grade. That call led him to North Central University where he met his wife Casey and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Youth Ministry. After graduation, he and his wife spent three years as youth pastors in Springfield, IL working with junior and senior high students. While they were serving in Springfield, God began to stir their hearts calling them home to Mt. Zion, Casey’s home church.
Riley and Casey have a passion to see young people discipled and taught to realize their potential to know and be used by God. They believe that God is raising up a generation of students that will not bow to the culture, but that will stand up and be the light of the world. Riley and Casey have been married since 2011 and have three daughters named Selah, Shiloh, and Hadassah.
Riley and Casey have a passion to see young people discipled and taught to realize their potential to know and be used by God. They believe that God is raising up a generation of students that will not bow to the culture, but that will stand up and be the light of the world. Riley and Casey have been married since 2011 and have three daughters named Selah, Shiloh, and Hadassah.

Sebastian (Bo) Boilek
Bo Boilek joined the staff of the Zion House in May of 2013. He is a graduate of the Mt. Zion House program as well as a former graduate assistant from 2006-2009. In 2009 Bo attended the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, IL and graduated in May of 2013 with a Bachelor of Art degree having an emphasis on Pastoral Studies and Bible. Bo also has NIC-T4C Certification, 2013. He brings to our program years of experience with this ministry. Bo married his beautiful bride Denay in late August of 2013.
Stacy Goralski
Executive Director
Stacy served for 5 years as our Children's Director and for the past year and a half, has taken on a new administrative role as our executive director. Stacy has a passion for long term vision planning and how all parts of the church body work together in one common mission. Along with her husband Dave, Stacy has served in various full time ministries since 1997. At a young age, she would loudly sing the words to "Here I am Lord" and continues to be drawn to the lyrics "I will go Lord, if you lead me, I will hold your people in my heart."
About Stacy: She is always singing, Loves learning about new cultures and talking about her exchange student bonus kids, and enjoys supporting foster/adoptive families.
About Stacy: She is always singing, Loves learning about new cultures and talking about her exchange student bonus kids, and enjoys supporting foster/adoptive families.
Pedro Pereyra
Spanish Ministry Pastor
Pedro Pereyra was born in Mexico City, from a young age he heard of the gospel and at the age of 20 made his decision to follow Christ. In his youth, he received God’s call to serve him. Pedro and his wife Maru, got married in 1990 and have since served God in different places in Mexico. They have 3 children: Pedro, Isaac and Mia. For many years he has been Minister of Praise and Worship, in addition to preaching the word of God and serving as associate pastor. God opened the doors for them to arrive in Wisconsin in December 2018 and they joined Mount Zion to support the Hispanic ministry in the music ministry and pastorate. Pedro and Maru greatly enjoy worshipping God and like to encourage people to truly know Jesus Christ, to live a practical Christian life and grow in holiness, integrity, and family unity.
Pedro Pereyra nació en la ciudad de México, desde pequeño escuchó del evangelio y a los 20 años tomó su decisión de seguir a Cristo. Desde joven tiene el llamado de Dios para servirle. Pedro y su esposa Maru, se casaron en 1990 y desde entonces han servido a Dios en diferentes lugares de México. Tienen 3 hijos: Pedro, Isaac y Mia. Por muchos años ha sido ministro de Alabanza y Adoración, además de predicar la palabra de Dios y desempeñarse como pastor asociado. Dios abrió las puertas para que en diciembre del 2018 llegaran a Wisconsin y se unieron a Monte Sion para apoyar al grupo hispano en la alabanza y el pastorado. Pedro y Maru disfrutan mucho la adoración a Dios y les gusta animar a la gente a conocer verdaderamente a Jesucristo para vivir una vida cristiana práctica y crecer en santidad, integridad y unidad familiar.
Pedro Pereyra nació en la ciudad de México, desde pequeño escuchó del evangelio y a los 20 años tomó su decisión de seguir a Cristo. Desde joven tiene el llamado de Dios para servirle. Pedro y su esposa Maru, se casaron en 1990 y desde entonces han servido a Dios en diferentes lugares de México. Tienen 3 hijos: Pedro, Isaac y Mia. Por muchos años ha sido ministro de Alabanza y Adoración, además de predicar la palabra de Dios y desempeñarse como pastor asociado. Dios abrió las puertas para que en diciembre del 2018 llegaran a Wisconsin y se unieron a Monte Sion para apoyar al grupo hispano en la alabanza y el pastorado. Pedro y Maru disfrutan mucho la adoración a Dios y les gusta animar a la gente a conocer verdaderamente a Jesucristo para vivir una vida cristiana práctica y crecer en santidad, integridad y unidad familiar.
Ashley Lynch
Ashley grew up in the suburbs of Milwaukee and has had a passion for helping others from an early age. She and her husband, Adam, were called to Mt. Zion in 2016. Ashley has worked in a variety of counseling settings but was called to a counseling ministry in 2023. She is passionate about knowing people well in the midst of their obstacles and walks with them as they better understand their story in light of God's redemptive story. She is committed to providing a safe space for people to be themselves and to providing counsel that is rooted in the truth of God's Word. Outside of serving in the church, you will likely find Ashley running around with her three sons - Levi, Elijah, and Asher.
Ashley boro
Children's Director
I have been working with children in the public schools as an Occupational Therapist for the past 5 years and have done some consulting for Mt. Zion Christian School. It’s been an honor to work with children over the years teaching, serving, and leading them. I love seeing their eyes light up when it all comes together. My heart is for encouraging others and loving people.
I am excited to bring my passion and skill-set to our community. My husband and I have four children (5,4,3 and 6 months) and we’ve been at Mt. Zion for over 4 years. I knew the Lord was telling me it was time for a change and my prayer was to be obedient to whatever that looked like. I’m thankful that He brought me here!
In my “free” time I have recently picked up gardening and have adopted nine baby chickens. I also enjoy creating things and DIY projects.
I look forward to laboring alongside all of you as we all partner together to serve the Lord and our community.
I am excited to bring my passion and skill-set to our community. My husband and I have four children (5,4,3 and 6 months) and we’ve been at Mt. Zion for over 4 years. I knew the Lord was telling me it was time for a change and my prayer was to be obedient to whatever that looked like. I’m thankful that He brought me here!
In my “free” time I have recently picked up gardening and have adopted nine baby chickens. I also enjoy creating things and DIY projects.
I look forward to laboring alongside all of you as we all partner together to serve the Lord and our community.

Joseph Gibson
Mt. Zion House Director
Joe has working along side Pastor Bo and the staff of the Mt. Zion House and has recently taken over as Director of Mt. Zion House in 2024.

larry hansen
Mt. Zion House Assistant Pastor/ Jail Chaplain
Chaplain Larry Hansen has been a part of the body at Mt. Zion for many years. He works in the Jails of Walworth and McHenry Counties to bring hope to the inmates. He is an asset to the Mt. Zion House staff as he brings a knowledge and love for people in need.
Chris Smith
Finance Manager
Christine Smith was raised in Burlington, Wisconsin, and graduated from what is now Catholic Central High School. She earned an associate degree in accounting and another in data processing from Gateway Technical College.
Chris has been working with the finances of Mt. Zion Christian Church, Mt. Zion Christian School and Mt. Zion House since 2003. She also provides human resource management and coordinates Mt. Zion’s food pantry ministry. She and her husband Scott serve as church deacons.
Scott and Chris have six grown children, four of whom are married. All are graduates of Mt. Zion Christian School. They feel very blessed and give thanks to the Lord for their family.
Outside of work time, Chris enjoys bike riding, gardening, and preparing food with and for her family. Bible study, quilting and crosswords are also some of her favorite activities. Chris is an enthusiastic fan of the Milwaukee Brewers and the Green Bay Packers.
Chris has been working with the finances of Mt. Zion Christian Church, Mt. Zion Christian School and Mt. Zion House since 2003. She also provides human resource management and coordinates Mt. Zion’s food pantry ministry. She and her husband Scott serve as church deacons.
Scott and Chris have six grown children, four of whom are married. All are graduates of Mt. Zion Christian School. They feel very blessed and give thanks to the Lord for their family.
Outside of work time, Chris enjoys bike riding, gardening, and preparing food with and for her family. Bible study, quilting and crosswords are also some of her favorite activities. Chris is an enthusiastic fan of the Milwaukee Brewers and the Green Bay Packers.
Adam Westhauser
Graphics Designer & Social Media
Adam grew up in Hartford, WI with many family members local to the Walworth County area. After graduating from Judson University with a B.A. in Business Admin - Marketing and Digital Media, he pursued various work opportunities in Chicagoland, Tenneesee, and Arkansas. He met his wife, Kelsey, while working in Memphis, TN. They got married in 2017, moved to Elgin, IL and then back to Wisconsin. Adam and Kelsey have three kids - Josiah, Calvin, and Liesl. Adam's primary job is as a teaching tennis professional at Four Lakes Athletic Club in Elkhorn and as the high school tennis coach for Elkhorn HS and Big Foot/Williams Bay/Faith Christian HS. He feels blessed to serve God at Mt. Zion and loves worshipping with the amazing community here!
Tim Stoldt
Building Engineer
Tim has been in charge of outside maintenance at Mt. Zion since 2010. In 2020 he became the building engineer in charge of the maintenance staff. This is a job he is well qualified for, having been the building engineer for three large buildings in the Chicago area.
Tim grew up in Texas, northern Wisconsin and Riverside, Illinois. He and his wife Jackie have four grown children. His son Josh works alongside him.
Tim grew up in Texas, northern Wisconsin and Riverside, Illinois. He and his wife Jackie have four grown children. His son Josh works alongside him.